.. proved to be even more fun than i originally thought. I will be doing more remixes in near future. It gives me the chance to do more versions of one idea, or more ideas of one version have it your way.
.. i guess i need some proper rest. Peace and quiet and a healthy diet should do the job. I am too young to be feeling like a beaten dog every morning.
.. that things make more sense without alcohol. I have a strong need to excel in everything I do, so I put all of my effort in anything I do. Drinking is no exception.
..just am not sure where it will lead me. I hope i will be able to do the stuff i have planned and waited for a long time now. Silkscreening at home is still miles away.
After the epic farewell exhibition Studio34, we all went our separate ways. These days we are working on a new project, all 8 of us. However, that doesn't mean we are resurrecting Puma34. Stay tuned.