Monday, September 21, 2009

"The definite guide to modern art."

Even though our attention continues to be focused on the Western (art) world, we do take account of the increasing internationalization of the art scene.


Anonymous said...

Puma volil bi te upoznat, ak ti ni mrsko. Uskoro mislim pokrenut vlastiti posao - turisticki vodic za ZG. Fora je da turisti vide neki drugi ZG (funky Zagreb), koji nije predstavljen na portalu TZ Grada Zagreba i u Lonely Planet-u. Te da sretnu neke druge ljude, s drugim pricama, crtezima, posterima itd.
Ak se odlucis za randes-vues, placam pice-dva. pozdrav, Mladen,

istaashi said...

but in the meantime, let us remain focused on the western world, and let western world focus on us.